Sitemap - 2024 - Tilting At Windmills

One-way speech on college campuses

This is what progressive economics looks like

It should never have come to this, but it was also inevitable

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to display their idiocy

This does not end well

NRO accidentally sums up my view of government perfectly

Big Tech lacks Big Trust

Yep, colleges brought this on themselves

Here we go again

Yeah, in this, look out for the journalists

This is the most 2020s thing yet

Do no harm no more

There's always a price

Court martials for acknowledging reality? So it seems

Nothing is shocking with an attitude like this

The high cost of 'cheap' green energy

When the stories become true

The timing of this doesn't look hinky at all

Why the Dickey Amendment should have done what they said it did

But will this work?


At NPR, the hits just keep on coming

There's a reason Caitlyn Clark isn't making the big bucks

She really doesn't get it

My, the gaslighting is lovely this time of year

Well, at least they're consistent

Rights don't end at state lines

More academic fraud among the 'equity' bunch? Say it ain't so!

Let's talk about freelancing for a bit

Good advice is a crime now?

Education can't be fixed until this is addressed

So NOW it's a problem?

Still more bad news on electric cars

And our tax dollar pay this twit

Why trust in the media is at an all-time low

Why ABC liquor stores really should be a thing of the past

Biden effort to use tax dollars to benefit Democrats heading toward a smackdown

Yet another reason to distrust the 'trust the science' crowd

Harrison Bergeron lives

Some ideas are so dumb they transcend party affiliation

This is why the university system should be burned to the ground

This is political puppetry and nothing else

Outcomes are never equal

Why out-of-touch elites should be ignored

This is how you know they're evil

They really need to leave food alone

Scientist dispute stupid with, you know, facts

Of all the things to gripe about

This is part of why we're having an issue

Even property rights are under attack

The misinformation of misinformation

DEI may have played role in Baltimore fiasco

The United States of America is doomed

A hidden cost to electric vehicles

What a brilliant move when food prices are ridiculous

A tale of two films that illustrate Hollywood's dark secret

A new contender for brain-dead idea of the year

When they want to ban that which they don't understand

Say goodbye to choice in car buying

This must have been hard for them

Heads. Should. Roll.

Just when you thought the New York Times was rebounding

Is Ozempic for weight loss 'cheating,' or just doing what works?

The war on tomboys

Still more bad news for Biden post-SOTU

Culture is being shaped by the sin of omission

Racism and weapons-grade stupid, but I repeat myself

How you know our politicians don't understand...anything

Margaret Atwood on the side of the angels? Believe it

This is the problem with student loan debt

Duolingo trying to put the bi in bilingual

This is why the government should be starved for money

The harsh reality of shrinkflation Biden can't comprehend

Bad news for Biden's State of the Union speech

AI given role no one should have

The death of truth

I'm with Rogan on this one

Florida bill looks like it was presented by Florida Man

They have a problem where none should exist

Canadian thinktank needs to rethink the "think" thing

Talk about sore losers

Supreme Court got it right on Trump's beef with Colorado

If memes are outlawed, only outlaws will have memes

It's good to have friends

Welcome to the banana republic

MSNBC needs a new legal analyst because this one is broken

It's sad it took a judge to actually say this

It seems the food industry is full of terrible ideas

Canada on the brink of ending pretensions of freedom

Just one more problem with 'body positivity'

Thinking qualified people should get the job is a hate crime, now

Another step backward for EV evangelists

It's about the long game

RIP Women's Sports

Vote buying is still vote buying, even if it's with our money

Well this was an almost pleasant surprise

The harsh reality of grocery costs

Got kids in public schools? Do yourself a favor and GET THEM OUT!

DHS-Funded 'media literacy' class is why government needs to stay out of it

Would the government lie to you?

In matters of conscience, the state has no say

Remember when there were just bad movies?

But at least they can teach your kids about sexual identity

It ain't just me saying inflation is hurting American households

And you thought they were already stupid about the minimum wage

So there should be more than two sets of rules?

This is why I can't take college activists seriously

So the goal is to turn people away from gaming?

It's a feature of leftist academia, not a bug

Bud Light managed to screw the entire beer industry over, among others

Trigger warnings like this should come with trigger warnings

This is why race is always going to be held up as vital

This is what happens when the inmates have been running the asylum

Lawsuit seeks to keep government out of quashing speech business

Law clinic wants UN to do what now?

About that whole "gender-affirming care" for kids thing...

Apparently, the horrors of socialism won't be that bad

This should scare the tar out of everyone

As if you didn't have enough reasons to dismiss academia already...

How experience makes me support school choice

More evidence that 'woke' puts people to sleep

And now for something completely different

Climate change is easy to prove if you screw the pooch badly enough

This is why you shouldn't take politicians seriously

Why academia's assault on free speech matters

Some harsh reality on 'income inequality'

Just when you thought 'diversity' couldn't be dumber

And SNL wonders why people don't find it funny anymore

This is a big problem that needs to be talked about

Mark Cuban gets harsh lesson in DEI reality

Journalists did it all to themselves

And they expect us to really buy that it's not a witch hunt?

Lawmaker who think it's OK to pass on AIDS wants to crack down on speeding

Yet another reason to not trust the FBI

Anti-Defamation League raises cost of speaking out

There's a battle for power taking place in DC, and it's not between who you might think

The Right still has its own brand of 'woke'

Huh. There IS hope for Canada after all

The best argument against electric vehicles are electric vehicles

Why there needs to be a bit more skepticism on transgender claims

Let's talk class warfare and CEO salaries

This is how you address 'gun violence'

When the lesson is dismissed as a 'troubling trend'

American Bar Association provides surprising hope for America

Creating New Stories Isn't Enough

The free market is winning in Argentina

Why stories matter

About that supposed Nazi problem at Substack

Trusting the science might work if there were actual science involved

This is why we can't have nice things

We need to start asking why Gen Z is this way

And we thought we had pro-criminal officials

Antisemitic incidents rose not in spite of DEI, but because of it

It wasn't the researchers who lied this time

Biden visit lets us know how his 2024 run will go

Substack under fire for sticking to founding principles

Red state socialism

Mark Cuban needs a reality check

The inmates are running the asylum

It's not just Trump facing removal from ballots

Plagiarism isn't racism, but noticing it apparently is

Buckle up. Things are going to get interesting in 2024

Let's stop pretending the system isn't rigged

They really need to be careful who they declare as an 'intellectual'