The problem is if they don't claim it's racism, they have to blame it on the ridiculous setup of failing public schools and then they'd be forced to actually do something about it. Think about it. They've arranged it so property taxes are the main way public schools get their money. If the neighborhood is wealthy, the nearby public schools do pretty well (they still indoctrinate kids, but basic reading and math skills are also taught). If it's an urban poor neighborhood, the schools are almost always a failing concern. It's like they set up urban minorities to fail and be dependent on the government generationally. Is it true? Probably not at first, but there's no doubt it's worked out that way and that's why the left hates the idea of vouchers, scholarships and charter schools. Not only will those ideas hurt the unions who fund their campaigns, it creates educated minorities who become aware the left has destroyed the black family and black businesses who then realize the left keeps *none* of their promises to minority voters. That's why the left is replacing American voters with a newer, more grateful electorate who feel they got their money's worth when they were allowed to illegally enter America and stay without concerns of being punished for their crimes.

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I use to work for the computer department for Columbus, Ohio. 40 years ago I was involved in running the programs that ranked test results for the firefighter exams. At the time a court had determined that Columbus did not have enough black fire fighters so they were under an order that 50% of new hires had to be black.

I saw the list sorted by decreasing scores. I forget how many had a passing grade on the white list. It was at least a couple of dozen. What I do remember is that only the top three on the black list would have passed if it hadn't been for the court order.

I have no explanation for this. At the time nearly everyone went to public schools and the schools in black areas were as well-funded as the white schools. Maybe the suburban schools were better although they didn't have that reputation. All that I know is that everyone took the same test and all of the tests were scored the same way.

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