I'll admit I didn't even care when Biden called us garbage. I've been called a Nazi, a conspiracy theorist, a fascist, a racist, an Islamophobe, a transphobe, a bigot and a liar. Garbage didn't even rate a raised eyebrow and a shrug, but it should have and where are we as a nation that I simply got back to work? 🤷

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you may not like trump all that much but one might admit that forever and a day he has been d.j.trump . since i was 12yo j.r.biden has been a senator of unrivaled griftyness, in the pay of various actors whose intrests are not aligned with americas'. k.harris is a product of both the depraved n.american university system and the bubbling cauldron of corruption that is California politics.. all voting is a less bad binary so therefore DJT is the less bad. case closed, fini. good evening and all the best to you.

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