Why….its…as…if they just dont give a $hit about getting caught. Like they KNOW that one hand is protecting what the other is doing and reciprocating…

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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me 137 times. I'm a Republican.

The Press isn't biased. Bias is easy to understand and easy to combat. Everyone is biased. I'm biased in favor of Chocolate Ice-cream over Vanilla.

Old Joke: Editor calls in reporter and says he wants her to interview a D candidate and an R candidate for Congress, not be biased and ask them about their polices on children. She does. Calls in the story. (Said it was an old joke). Editor calls her into the office and chews her out. She doesn't understand. Editor yells I told you to interview both candidates and not be biased. She says I did.. I asked them both questions about how children should be treated. Editor yells and says: Yes you asked the D candidate if he thinks children should be treated with kindness and helped. Then you asked the R candidate if he had raped any children, thinks they should all have to work after school and wanted to close all the playgrounds. Reported replies. Yes I asked them both about children. Editor fires her, she sues, gets her job back.

The press isn't biased. It's become dishonest and has been for a long time. Walter Duranty lied. And the editors and publisher of the Times knew it. The Pulitzer Board refused to revoke the award. That's not bias. That's dishonesty not bias. The press has become increasingly dishonest. Time to put "they are biased" out to pasture and to admit they are lying.

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