Fiction is still a commercial enterprise. Creators can write such horrible stories, but in the end, if people don’t read/watch them, they lose money. It’s going to take time, but if we refuse to pay for such junk, better writers will succeed.

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I agree.

That's why I stopped watching or reading this crap. I'm doing my part to send a message.

Of course, I'm also being told that doing so is racist, so go figure.

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Sep 11Liked by Tom Knighton

In addition to the attack on fiction and history, real, living heroes are persecuted. Kyle Rittenhouse, for example, had his life and his reputation destroyed because he was forced to defend himself against violent communists while trying to defend his community from being burned to the ground.

The monsters that want to break the human soul by depriving them of heroes and blurring the lines between good and evil will not tolerate even a single example of someone failing to surrender to them. That’s how you know they’re monsters. They need to blind people with darkness to succeed, and they know that the existence of any person of valor shines enough light into that darkness to show them for what they are. They can’t have that.

People worry about street criminals, but those people are just middling-evil. They don’t need to destroy anything good in the world to make money, only the things that get in their way. They don’t care about good and evil or which side of it they’re on. They’re plenty dangerous, but they’re a part of the world that won’t ever be done away with.

The really evil people are the ones who can’t tolerate any distinction between good and evil because it will show them for what they are. They’re the politicians, the influencers, and the other DIE cultists. Those fuckers are the marketing department for Hell, and they’re a lot more dangerous to the survival of a culture.

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Sep 11Liked by Tom Knighton

I've been watching a lot of movie reactions over on the Tube of You lately. One, recently, was for Aliens (Special Edition). The reactor was all in a moral dilemma because "we were invading their world" (apparently forgetting that, no the xenomorphs weren't from there) and that we didn't have the "right" to just exterminate them. Given the life cycle of the aliens--every single xenomorph meant one dead human being--I am perfectly happy with the idea of exterminating them like smallpox.

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Sep 11Liked by Tom Knighton

"The only reason to do that is if you know that you’re the evil in question and you don’t want to be defeated." I hadn't thought of it like this but it seems spot on. I don't read contemporary fiction, but your example of Kyle Rittenhouse is illustrative. We do need heroes for the reasons you state.

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