I saw a picture. The wristbands also featured an "XX" on them to signify female chromosomes.

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I still see that as a low key form of protest. It's not like they said, "XX chromosomes only and chicks with d***s need not apply!" It wasn't even rude and Mr. Knighton is correct. SCOTUS has made it very clear - repeatedly, that people (children, adults or faculty) do not lose their right to free speech behind the schoolhouse doors, in the private lives of government employees or anywhere else. Government institutions have no right to suppress or compel speech. If the administrator had simply discussed the matter with parents like an adult, a compromise might have been reached, but instead, she made it clear to the trans player and everyone else on the pitch a protest was happening. It could have been a low key form of protest, but she amplified it. I hope the parents sue the pants off the district and then put their kids in private, Christian schools so the district loses even more funding. Only by making it exceedingly painful for the left, will we end this sort of nonsense and we've been the "Silent Majority" long enough. Sue, baby, sue!

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