"first female protagonist of the franchise".

And Princess Leia wasn't a protagonist in the first films?????? LOL

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There were icky boys around, so no, apparently.

Never mind that she's still a beloved character and the only one they didn't seem to manage to screw up completely in the Disney sequels.

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Jun 17Liked by Tom Knighton

Regarding Tran, I don't have the link handy (and web searching isn't helping, all I'm finding is the results of a leftist media campaign to support the "official" narrative of "a-hole fans that don't understand what SW is about") but I recall seeing a discussion about how the hate directed at her was by someone with close ties to Kennedy and Rian Johnson, and known for stirring up [excrement] in the SW fandom for personal aggrandizement and revenge.

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I think I've mentioned liberals and "Static Analysis" before (was probably a very long time ago though). Basically the way they see a situation and "Understand" how things work is static. They don't see how things are connected. They think they can raise taxes and get more money, and then don't understand why the tax base evaporates.

Which explains how they can assume they can take a fan base, make changes to the subject, and then be blindsided by the fandom's response. "You're a Star Wars fan. That's a permanent, lifetime label. You have to like everything we call Star Wars. If you stop liking it you're a bad fan!"

While they claim they want to be "Progressive", they actually want everything to stay the same, even AFTER they implement their agenda. They believe they can change one thing without that changing anything else. Then they get all surprised about the Unintended Consequences.

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This is a good take on some different aspects of the kvetching.


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