Honestly, I've recently started to believe the 2020 election was a socialist coup and Americans are just now realizing we're no longer a Republic. Heck, with all the election integrity violation articles I've been reading lately, I don't think we're even still a democracy to the extent we ever were. Our "betters" clearly have a very different definition of democracy as they speak endlessly about destroying democracy to save it. Oh, they don't use those exact words, but when they speak of refusing to certify the 2024 election if Trump wins, call a Supreme Court which has a legally and properly confirmed conservative makeup "illegitimate," the former Speaker, Nancy Pelosi talks about presidential elections being too important for voters to decide and specifically handing voter registration forms to illegal aliens, you realize the Federal Government hasn't "served" the People in a very long time - maybe since JFK or Reagan. This all makes me wonder if America isn't currently just going through her death throes as an ideal based experiment and her citizens are just trying to keep the boulder they've been rolling uphill for over two centuries from coming to rest in her proper gravitational place. If true, Mr. Knighton's "lots and lots of bullets" theory may be the only option outside virtual authoritarian enslavement and I pray to God to be wrong every single night.

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I hope you're wrong, too.

I fear you're not.

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