Some people are wondering if the Fed lack-of-action is because the areas badly hit are "Red Areas". [Frown]

I'd hate to believe that, but you have to wonder.

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I wondered that back in 2017 and I wonder it now.

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Not sure how “Red” some of them are…Asheville is by no means solidly R…Their Mayor and City Government are pretty D/lefty in their actions. Perhaps Buncombe County leans more Conservative but theres a LOT of cash there.

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This morning, I watched an instagram where a guy talks about a lot of private helicopters helping out in North Carolina. Military helicopters, by contrast, are few and far between. One military guy told him they are waiting for orders that just don't come.

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And I assure you, there's nothing more frustrating for those guys than knowing people need your help, knowing you have the resources to help, and being powerless to do anything.

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Mr. Knighton, incompetent people sometimes get things right, even if only by accident. This is a plan. Oh, Biden himself is incompetent, but that's because he drools in his Ensure watching Matlock reruns, but anyone with sense is aware Biden has never run the country and Kamala's so dumb she should be charged with felonious stupidity and that's America's opinion, not just mine. The cabal running the country want us to be very aware of what happens if we resist their rule and resist it we must, if we don't want to codify the neglectful (at best) behavior of our "betters" into policy. To put it simply, they hate those of us who refuse to fall in line and want us dead - painfully if possible. That's not incompetence. That's targeted strategy.

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Oh, it's not incompetence, it's malice. Guaranteed.


"Civilian volunteers are stepping in where they can but why hasn’t Biden-Harris authorized the DOZENS of active duty helicopters sitting at Ft. Bragg (Liberty) just down the road to go help?"

Apparently SECDEF hasn't issued the necessary Title 10 orders. Hasn't even thought about it.

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Oct 3Liked by Tom Knighton

I'm old enough to remember that when Bush wanted to send FEMA in after Katrina, the law requires that the Governor of the affected state needs to request it, and the Louisiana Governor at the time (as well as the Mayor of New Orleans, both Democrats) dragged their heels and waited several days before requesting aid. It was blamed on Bush, but it was truly the Governor's fault.

Plus Bush had advised them to start the evacuations early and they didn't nor did New Orleans have a process actually set up to do so. NO had buses but no drivers and the city managers had no call lists to get hold of the people who could drive the buses. When I was a supervisor at a Clinical Lab , I was expected to keep with me a list of all my employees and their phone numbers so should a mass casualty event occur I could call staff in to help. And the staff understood that they were expected to respond to that call if it was at all possible.

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