I think I mentioned before on a related thread that my daughter had a misogynistic math teacher in 7th grade, who was quite blunt in saying girls often had trouble with math. She learned so little that the next year I (with a B.S. in math so I was "qualified") I had to teach her what she missed as she was trying to master algebra in parallel. End of story: She received her B.S. in Mathematics and went on to work in Information Technology.

I heard a similar story from a neighbor whose daughter had the same "teacher", had similar results in 7th grade, yet somehow managed to attain an M.S. in Physics.

Was this "teacher" ever reprimanded, or - God forbid - fired? Nope. There are few, if any, consequences for incompetence in the NYS Public Education System after three years and receipt of tenure.

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Comment pinned because I want literally everyone who reads this story to see this.

Teachers aren't magic. Some really suck at their jobs (more on this tomorrow, actually) and yet we're supposed to hand our kids over anyway.

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