No matter how much you take care of yourself eventually your expiration date arrives. I just pray that mine doesn't involve a hospital.

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You want to be frightened? Approximately 10 years ago, an Hispanic (affirmative action) medical student, who was apparently passed in required courses he should have failed, was hired as a surgical resident at a Miami university hospital. On his first solo surgery, he identified a women's kidney as a tumor and removed it. The story, for obvious reasons, was dropped like a hot potato and I never found out what happened with the resolution of the case, but I can't imagine anyone was fired or any changes were made in the university's affirmative action educational programs. We must end these identity politics educational and workplace programs. It's unfair to the students who work their tails off to be accepted to good schools only to be passed over for someone who has the correct melanin content, it's unfair to the students accepted for identity politics, to put them in positions for which they're unprepared and which often inevitably leads to failure and it's *truly* unfair to those who must see these poorly educated professionals only to be victimized by them in some of the most vulnerable moments of their lives.

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