The name Robin DiAngelo doesn’t ring a ton of bells for most people, mostly because they’re trying to live happy lives and nothing about DiAngelo is about happiness.
This is the woman who has made a career of trying to convince white people that we’re all racists and that the only way to absolve ourselves of our racism is to first admit it—and that failing to believe you’re racist is a sign of your racism, by the way—and basically trip over ourselves to do everything for our much maligned, darker-skinned betters.
You’d think a woman who made a career of that position would at least try to look like she practices what she preaches.
However, just as so many others who have turned out to be guilty of the sins they bash in others, DiAngelo seems to have a bit of an issue.
She’s a lying hypocrite (allegedly):
"White Fragility" author Robin DiAngelo may have plagiarized multiple scholars, including minority writers, in her 2004 Ph.D. thesis, according to a report Monday.
A complaint filed with the University of Washington and shared with the Washington Free Beacon found dozens of examples of DiAngelo lifting material from other papers without proper attribution, in-text citations or quotation marks in her dissertation.
This included material from two Asian-American professors, University of Wisconsin-Madison professor Stacey Lee and Northeastern University professor Thomas Nakayama.
"It is never appropriate to use the secondary source without acknowledging it, and even worse to present it as one's own words," National Association of Scholars president Peter Wood told the Free Beacon. "That's plagiarism."
The complaint significantly called into question her dissertation, titled "Whiteness in Racial Dialogue: A Discourse Analysis," which formed the basis of her doctorate in Multicultural Education. She has continued to use the title Dr. DiAngelo earned from the dissertation and has referred to herself as Affiliate Associate Professor of Education at the university.
Fox News Digital reached out to DiAngelo and the University of Washington for comment.
The report pointed out how DiAngelo’s website emphasized giving credit to minorities and promoting their work.
"Promote the work and services of BIPOC people. Channel work to BIPOC people. Seek out and choose BIPOC-owned businesses and service providers. Co-lead paid work with BIPOC people when possible," her website says.
So, basically, she made her name on the backs of the very minorities she tells everyone else they need to respect.
See, I think what she did is wrong, but not because she did this to black people. She did this to people. She plagiarized from others and didn’t give the proper credit in an academic setting, where that kind of thing happens all the time but is still an unforgivable sin.
Where she was wrong was in her actions, not who she did it to, and that’s the difference between me and her.
Of course, I also wouldn’t take someone else’s work and pass it off as my own, and not just because I know I’m stupid enough to get caught much earlier in my career.
Yet DiAngelo’s inability to view her peers as people probably tells us why she figures everyone else is a morally depraved sack of feces. The technical term here is “projection.”
Like, IMAX-level projection.
She stole people’s work without blinking, including minorities, and likely used her leftist activism and advocacy to shield her from criticism. She was “one of the good ones,” you see, and couldn’t possibly have done wrong.
Only, it looks like she did.
Because of course she did.
What’s more, I can’t help but think she did it because “those people” wouldn’t be smart enough to catch her. I have no proof of that, mind you, but it would certainly fit what we’ve seen from her in this.
But I knew she was a piece of crap and now that’s even more confirmed than it was.
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Grifters have no problem stealing from people they pretend to help.
Theirs is a rot that goes deeper than the marrow of their bones.
There may have been a time when the Left in the US had some integrity to their belief but decades of embracing the premeditated death of innocents have corrupted their souls to where no vice is too low for them to commit in their pursuit of power.
I used to wonder how the Nazis or the NKVD/KGB killers could be so beastial in their actions, but reading how they didn’t spring from the maw of Charon fully formed but rather they gave away their souls bit by bit in exchange for a modicum of power and bread, I see that this is where we find ourselves today.
Our foes on the left would gladly kill any of us if it means they could rule over the abattoir.